Viktoria Martjanova
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Scenography
- BA
- Experimental isolation
- Tutor: Ene-Liis Semper
- Video Installation

Project is partly inpired by the world closeness as a result of the 2020/21 Covid 19 pandemic, partly by the interest in exploring how deeply nowadays young person is dependent on every day communication channels and impulses of the outside world. The author did an experiment, where she seperated herself from the outside world for seven days for the first time in her life, and keeping a video diary to record changes that were taking place in her mind and body. What happens when you push the break unexpectedly in a rushing car? – It will trip over. What happens to a person who has stopped in the middle of the movement? What if the overthrow feeling is the moment of isolation – weightlessness, moment, when world stops like breathing. Connections, sounds and entertainment are missing… Only physical necessity stay.