Martin Niglas
- Faculty of Architecture
- Architecture and Urban Design
- MA
- Work and recreation center - Improving office work through teleworking and the environment
- Tutor: Katrin Koov, Kadri Klementi

For certain people, the word work has a negative notion with it. That is why it is important to go deeper into it and find out the reasons for it.
In my master’s thesis, I’m proposing a way of working, that would give a new meaning to working and would support the changing world. Working in the office can be outdated in some cases and cause issues in some people, such as a balance loss between work and personal life. People might get detatched from their personal lives. The proposal offered in the thesis shows a new way to break the routine of work.
A considerable part of our lives is spent on working. It is important for the person to have quality time for themselves besides working. Jobs in the future aren’t destined to be between the walls of offices. Because of remote work, jobs can be fulfilled wherever. Remote working needs outputs.
In my study, I focus on vacations, resting, the pandemia, remote work and the meaning of work and its future. I focus on office work. I’m trying to find solutions to improving its quality, while considering the future and its needs. I look into workers’ motivation and their physical and psychic health, seeing if that can be changed and improved by the work environment to rise their creativity, among with the work quality. Hopefully, it would be benefitial both to the employee and the employer. The research would also help the regional development, giving a new outlet and a value to different remote areas by creating new remote work centres. Because of this, I focus on the holiday centres that were built on the soviet times. I bind the old with new, giving the old footprint a new function.
Resting and holidays now are much more personal than before, thus the soviet holiday centres have, in a sense, lost their purpose. To preserve the cultural and arhitectural heritage of those times, the old soviet holiday centres could be given a new function and a purpose. By bringing them up to date and making them adapt with modern modul solutions, the centres could exist as convinient remote working locations throughout the year, offering pleasant opportunities to enjoy work in the inside or outside.
The idea of the master’s thesis is to give the old soviet holiday centres a new meaning by transforming them into remote work centres. The centres would offer a possibility to schedule your day with the chance to spend more time in the nature, use spare time in active ways and use all the opportunities the centre has to offer. The aim is to create an environment that would replace the usual work environment in its essence. The most meaningful elements of the centre are the availability and closeness to nature, ways and possibilities to spend your time in an active way and the opportunity to socialize with people from other walks of lives, people of different crafts and specialities.
Remote work centre would give a chance to change the usual workspace in cycles, acting as a rehabilitation centre of work that would motivate, balance and enrich. The centre would be available for any period, as long as needed, having all the necessary comforts to enable remote working and accomodation.