Jose Aldemar Muñoz Ñustes
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Contemporary Art
- MA
- Architecture of the Absence / Eemaloleku arhitektuur
- Tutor: Mark Dunhill
- Denim Clothes, acrylic paint, fabrics, sand, charcoal and metal / teksariie, akrüülvärv, tekstiil, liiv, süsi ja metall.

I was inspired to explore the invisible realities of the body when I observed clothes hanging and I felt the empty presence of the body in them. This quotidian gesture provoked contradictory feelings on me of sadness, melancholy, happiness, love which drove my interest in the relationship between body and soul.
This curiosity led me to work with old worn clothes to try and make these feelings visible and physical using paint, sand and fabric that I stitched and folded, giving a form and weight to the space that is occupied by the body in an attempt to express what the soul means to me.
In other sculptures I create symbolic objects that function as metaphors, poetic forms, structures and spaces that recover the void and carry the weight of existence.
Something that is difficult to explain in words. And the only way to understand it is feeling it.
Mind inspireeris soov uurida nähtamatut kehalist reaalsust. Vaatlesin nööril rippuvaid riideid ning tajusin neis kehalist tühjust. Riiete vaatlemine tekitas minus vastuolulisi tundeid nagu kurbus, melanhoolia, õnn ja armastus ning juhtis mu tähelepanu keha ja hinge vahelistele suhetele.
Ma töötasin vanade kantud riietega ning proovisin need tunded nähtavaks ja füüsiliseks muuta. Õmblesin ja voltisin kasutades värvi, liiva ja kangast ning andsin vormi ja kaalu ruumile, et väljendada, mida hing minu jaoks tähendab. Ma loon sümbolistlike skulptuure, mis töötavad kui metafoorid, poeetilised vormid, struktuurid ja ruumid täitmaks tühimikku ning kandmaks eksistentsi raskust.
Midagi, mida on raske seletada sõnades. Ja ainuke viis selle mõistmiseks on seda tunda.