Joel Jõevee
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Painting
- BA
- Non-duality
- Tutor: Jaan Toomik
- Cosmos
- Tutor(s): Jaan Toomik
- oil stick on canvas
- 120 x 100 cm

- Collapse
- Tutor(s): Jaan Toomik
- oil and oil stick on canvas
- 150 x 90 cm

- Inevitable awareness
- Tutor(s): Jaan Toomik
- oil on canvas
- 75 x 90 cm

“Cosmos” conveys a shared confusion in all of us.
“Collapse” shows how we’re all hurrying in the same spirit towards the same end point.
The “Inevitable awareness” that binary choices and their results are up to me means that no one else can decide whether I have my own blessings or not.