Eleri Paatsi
- Faculty of Art and Culture
- Cultural Heritage and Conservation
- BA
- Research and conservation of fish mounts on the example of Estonian Museum of Natural History's collection.
- Tutor: Helen Lennuk BA. Consultant: Lennart Lennuk MS
Taxidermy and mounts conservation is not common in Estonia. Yet, Natural History Museum collections’ consist interesting mounts. Great example is the Estonian Museum of Natural History’s fish mounts, that attract viewers.

Depending on the type of damage, conservation works were carried out. Some of the damage on the mounts was on a wide scale that allowed conservators to use methods from leather, paper, binding and metal conservation. In most cases Japanese paper, Evacon-R and Lascaux 498 HV adhesives were used. In the last phase of work, acid-free carton boxes with the same material dividers were created. Mounts were placed in storage boxes with Plastazote foam supports. All information about fishes is published on eElurikkus site.