Violet, show me how tender you can be? (Shades of Love, Desire, Infidelity and Truth)
Tutor: Jaan Toomik, Mark Dunhill
painting, performance, video
cca 5 x 10 m
Shades of Love & Desire & Infidelity & Truth
From left to right:
“Lick My Brush”, “Colors Falling in Love”, “Shades of Love & Desire & Infidelity & Truth”
Lick My Brush (2021)
How colors mingle ? Could paint be unfaithful? If one color cheats on another (third), are the color combinations still pure or dirty in the sense that they are bad, as when people lie and cheat in a relationship that is deteriorating? Music by Francesco Duc
Colors Falling in Love(2021)
Colours Falling In Love one of the early ideas for a video work. It is made of three costumes, three performers dancing and moving, representing colors, a gallery, a camera, Hanna, a speaker, various music, fluidity, Denisa’s idea and curiosity. Three performers – three colors – three personalities. Light Violet, from an absurdly stereotypical point of view, portrays a kindly man, a husband who is a stable provider who can be relied upon, a leader who nevertheless retains the curiosity to seek something outside the home. Light Pink, a fragile woman, a blonde and beautiful wife who follows and loves. Ivory Black, a seduction, a temptation, powerful, independent, mysterious. Imagine all three of them in the club.
Shades of Love, Desire, Infidelity and Truth(2021)
Video as an introduction to the complexity of how and why infidelity can begin. The three main character of “snails” or textile “brush strokes” together with the storyteller ask whether it is possible to love more people at once?
Making Love with Painting
Making love with painting (2021), single-channel video projection of filmed performances. I have been ill with Covid, so I have not been in the studio for a while. After missing the daily presence of painting, I decided to bring the idea I had to life – I wanted to make love to painting where there is no violation, no gender, no shame, no jealousy. All of that is like a metaphor.
Can painting replace a real lover?
Is it an infidelity if you stay until late night in the studio, drink wine and make love with painting?
Three canvases, Three paintings, Three lovers (2021)